" Resurgence "


(Bumper-sized 'return to EVE' diary edition)

Erica Dusette > Dunno whats happening but I'm coming anyway

New fashions, new ships, new faces - new challenges. These were new times that my family had found ourselves returning to in New Eden after taking a break from capsuleer life for a little over three months. We'd spent this time planetside, in mourning after the death of our mother, family Grand Matron. For those who aren't aware, we hail from a very remote region of Achur where locals adhere to a strict tradition of matriarchy. Women are supreme in our culture and age gives seniority. Thus when our mother passed after a long illness it was kinda a big deal. Nighthawk Exploration, my family's corporation, fell dark and my personal assetts in Isogen 5 were put on ice.


Since returning to New Eden my life had been a whirlwind, both in space and within my personal life. I spent a while thinking about all the things that had transpired since our return, sitting in my Barghest in lowsec, orbiting a wormhole at 500m while waiting for Foedus' word to jump through. Suddenly Barghest™  was becoming a thing, and while many people laughed at my pancake ship initially, it had eventually gained both the amusement and respect of most of my colleagues, not least corp diplomat, director, FC and dear friend Foedus Latro.


Content Creation trained to lvl 5 - Foedus Latro

Erica's POS-mate, Iso5 director, diplo and all around beautiful human being.


Erica Dusette > Foedus is a beautiful human being.
Foedus Latro > :) i just create the situations
Foedus Latro > and allow you to fill them
Erica Dusette > You can fill my situation anytime


"Ok Dusette, jump jump, warp to Foedus, warp to Foedus."  Came his call over comms. "Wow, this corp name 'Master-Baiters', I hope you have a micro-jump drive fitted Dusette!"


I did have a MJD, not that I'd end up needing to use it though, as I landed on grid there was no local-spike to be seen. 


Foedus had found a Buzzard running a data-site in lowsec and had specifically called me to come help kill it with my Barghest, nobody else was permitted to come, because Foedus is an artist and had a very stylish plan. This Master-Baiter was about to meet a very classy death indeed.


"Scram Buzzard"  Came Foedus' call over comms just as I landed on grid, around 30+ kilometres from the hostile. Not a problem for me as I can point out to around 40k with Suddenly Barghest and lob faction missiles close to 100.  "I've neutted it dry for you Dusette"  came the call as Aeon Latro's Bhaalgorn also landed, quickly draining the little frigate of it's escape juice.


"Buzzard's pointed. Buzzard's dying"  I stated over comms as, in the name of Bob, I began to give a holy sermon to the locals bearing witness to the horror unfolding before their Empire-loving eyes.


EVE System > Channel changed to Local : Omam
Erica Dusette > BEHOLD
Foedus Latro > gf
Erica Dusette > GF
Erica Dusette > YOU LOWSEC SRUBS
Erica Dusette > *SCRUBS, EVEN
Good times. Using a Barghest surely is a classy way to move up the galactic spreadsheet that is the Galnet killboards. In fact it had even inspired a fellow Isogen 5 pilot to emulate it's extravagence with Longinius Spear purchasing a Nestor. My Barghest had seen a few encounters in recent times, mostly I'd save it for ganks, though one time I did take it to a fleet battle against Sky Fighters. A battle we technically lost, having to bail due to superior numbers and logi, however another thing had died to it and I managed to get it home safely, so Op Success I guess. It wasn't alone either, just days prior a pair of Myrmidons had found themselves meeting Bob at the righteous hands of Suddenly Barghest™. I'm sure it would only be a matter of time before it died a glorious death in the eyes of Bob, and I welcomed that day for surely it would bring with it much positive karma.
Returning to Isogen 5's home system of Atlas after the Buzzard gank, I exited my capsule, took a quick shower, and slipped into my form-fitting white catsuit. I had my assistant Candi brew me a caramel synth-latte (my favorite) and sat down in the sofa. My quarters in Sketchy Pos were modest compared to the expansive open-planned living area at Horizon Tower, my family's home, but it did the job. My sisters Dani and Shelby, along with my assistant Candi shared Sketchy Pos with both Foedus Latro and the legendary Jack Miton, so room was tight. Jack Miton is quite the dreamy wormholer, podcaster and blogger; angry, brash, experienced, a skilled pilot and rather bitter. I had yet to be convinced that he wasn't actually the capsuleer incarnation of Bob himself. Despite all this, it wasn't always easy living with Jack Miton. He'd often leave the toilet seat up, battleships laying around and he smelled a bit from admittedly never showering. In contrast, Foedus was a delight. He and his lovely lady assistants were always professional, courteous and considerate.
"Can't even huff gas without blowing up lokis..."
Erica's POS-mate: Jack Miton, who's posts are the forum equivalent of a hairy chest.
Honestly though life at Sketchy Pos was good, and life in general as an Isogen 5 combat pilot was fantastic. There was nowhere else I'd rather be and no group of people I'd rather be flying with. I'd been learning a lot, killing even more and getting plenty of time to relax too without pressure from my superiors or fellow corpmates. It was truly heaven. 
Isogen 5's Elite AU timezone
Not everyone in my family were having as much luck though, my personal assistant Candi had been having a terrible couple of weeks. Candi had become known as "The Banana" after I gifted her a yellow catsuit for Bobmas. I thought it suited her personality perfectly and she would go on to take the role of Corp Banana very seriously indeed. So seriously that she would often demand Lotor give her a suitable title, but it never happened. It'd take the loss of over 1b ISK in ships in one night before she was eventually granted the esteemed title of 'The Banana'. 
Candi Gets Suicide Ganked ... Again
Candi LeMew > Welp just got ganked lmao
Jack Miton > ....
Jack Miton > Kill: Candi LeMew (Mammoth)
Jack Miton > :S
Jack Miton > for 70mil?
Candi LeMew > Worth more than that I think
Jack Miton > geeze, times must be tough in ganker town....
Amthala > silly banana, can't even travel through HS without blowing up.
Amthala > no wonder Jack doesnt like you
Candi LeMew > Only 5 from dodix. Always a silver lining
And so off to Dodixie my little Banana goes, where she decides to build a rail Proty.
The Banana welps almost 1b in Proteus because "Fuck that Proteus"
Candi LeMew > Might build a rail proty
Candi LeMew > Oh dear
Candi LeMew > lol gonna lose this proty
Station games. Rail Proteus generally don't come off real well in 1v1's against blaster Proteus. 
Candi LeMew > gf
Neccarus > gf
Candi LeMew > Fell right into that one :)
Candi LeMew > Not my night
Neccarus > happens to the best
Candi LeMew > Active tank I take it? Didnt see any reps
Neccarus > yup
Candi LeMew > ^^
Neccarus > didnt need the reps once i was in range :P
Candi LeMew > Yep
Of course Candi losing a Proteus, let alone in highsec, was a dream come true for Jack Miton who openly admits to hating my assistant. As you can imagine the trolling lasted a couple days, culminating in a heated exchange in our corporation's public channel. The silver lining, however, was that as a result Candi would finally be granted her title of 'The Banana'...
Foedus Latro > Like  Jack Miton's New Look??!?  Vote Here [Yes] {No]
Candi LeMew > I'd hit it
Foedus Latro > {No]
Candi LeMew > IN THE FACE
Foedus Latro > lol
Erica Dusette > Huo Lung is a cutie.
Jack Miton > pft
Jack Miton > has a stupid lip ring
Erica Dusette > Buy it for me Foedus
Hatshepsut IV > the lip ring?
I Artorius > I Sw4llow try her mate
Foedus Latro > i have bullets in me pos i can fashion into one
Candi LeMew > I'll give Jack a ring to put his lips on
Jack Miton > pass
Jack Miton > especially with someone who cant even keep their proteus alive in HS....
Candi LeMew > Highsec is the endgame
Candi LeMew > Dont hate coz I'm already there and you're not
Jack Miton > for your prot, yeah
Candi LeMew > Gave you something to do at least.
Candi LeMew > Laughing at me
Candi LeMew > /emote whimpers
Erica Dusette > /emote pats The Banana
Foedus Latro > Us living in our POS
Candi LeMew > Foedus, Lotor won't give me The Banana title.
Candi LeMew > Yellow, all caps and bold.
I Artorius > no shit. new clarion call?
I Artorius > :D afk
Jon Matick > clarion call 5?
Foedus Latro > Candi LeMew
I Artorius > 4
Foedus Latro > check it
Jon Matick > not new then. ok
Candi LeMew > ILU Foedus <3
Candi LeMew > Like
Candi LeMew > Actually love you
Foedus Latro > )))
Erica Dusette > I once saw Foedus latro kill an interceptor with a noobship



All of the girls and I, including Candi, had spent an enormous amount of time recently in Empire space stations, trying on new clothes and working long hours to perfect new galnet portraits. I was sure that Candi's losses were somehow Bob showing his anger for doing so, but like always my little yellow assistant took the bullet for all of us, wiping our slate clean with the god of Anoikis. Now with her new suit, and her new title, Candi felt invincible and was determined never to get suicide ganked again or lose another Proteus.


I smiled, rolling my eyes as I remember Candi's recent losses. Just then she stepped over to me to set my steamy hot mug of coffee on the table before me with her trademark cheeky-smile. I took a sip and continued thinking back over the past month or two since my family and I had returned to New Eden. I'd faced a few losses too, like Candi did, but I'd also been part of some great victories on the battlefield. Most recently was two encounters with residents of nullsec, a place to which our home system is often connected. My little Achuran mind began to drift back ..


I'd woken one morning, jumped into my capsule and onto corporate comms to discover my colleagues in an adjoining nullsec system harassing some of the local residents. I'd recently told the story of what happened next to some friends on the Galnet forums ....


"So we're sitting around in system, not much is happening, chatting away after an earlier skirmish with some nullseccers outside. I think someone killed something, because they were mad out there and I was trolling them a little bit.
Suddenly amid the calm "bling" corp notification starbase is under attack. lol I figured it was probably Jack again because he's been doing that a bit lately since he discovered he can shoot our pos with it's own guns. Turns out it's not Jack, it's these nullseccers came into our wormhole and are shooting one of our pos!
They mustn't have scouted the system real well because we all warped over to the pos and welp..."
"So okay, that was random, but a lot of fun. One of our guys chases a surviving pod out of the wormhole and into null. He catches it on a gate and then Suddenly Blob. We all respond with no logi of course (yolo) and a good time ensues. To this day all of us wonder how we managed to prevail and Foedus believes that Dani and my Tengu's proved a decisive factor. We certainly pushed them both to the limit, and in fact during the battle I announced at one point that I was going down. Somehow though, with Bob's good graces, I managed to survive along with my sister..."
"They suddenly bring in an Archon so the order is given to warp out, but I'm pointed by some Vexor so I kill that solo and then bail. Dani somehow makes it out also, despite sitting only 2k from a hostile Myrmidon. Seems pointing the expensive stuff is overrated for these guys. They then bring a 2nd Archon and come right up to our hole for round three. We reship to armor T3s, 3 x Guardians and a Naglfar and wait for them on the hole. They refuse to fight ... "Won't be able to break your 4 guardians".  Counting is obviously hard, so we tell them we'll reship to 2 Archon instead if they like. They go away and gf gf gf is exchanged."
Erica's Tengu post-battle. Both her's and Dani's fought to their limits.
I smiled as I remembered those fights, just a couple of examples of some of the victories I'd enjoyed while flying beside my Isogen 5 colleagues recently. Victories seemed to be coming thick and fast, and not just in space, but also in my private life. I'm not always murdering people, in fact one of the reasons I love Isogen 5 so much is that I can relax and just sit around doing nothing, talking to friends, reading, writing, shopping and such without being pressured. People often wonder about me and what I do in my personal life, what I like and especially whether or not I'm single. It's not easy being a former State supermodel and vivacious Galnet forum poster. The anwer is no, I'm not single. That's no thanks to a pilot named Tigerfish Torpedo however...
Space Bluebeard and reputed baby-maker, Tigerfish Torpedo
Long, long ago I spent a short time dating a young woman by the name of Lia. It was a tumultuous relationship that didn't last long, mostly due to her own erratic nature and mental state, both things she blamed on an ex-lover - Tigerfish. Tiger a "very, very bad pirate" had woo'd and charmed Lia, bedded her, gotten her pregnant apparently before bailing like thirty titans had just landed on grid. Lia had warned me to never go near this guy because he is nothing but deceptive trouble. I made a mental note and never thought about again .... until about two years later, when I ran into Tiger in a galnet channel called the 'Spirit Exotica', run by friend and well-known forumite Xercodo. Tiger had apparently been watching me for some time with his seedy eyes, but figured that like most space-women I was a space-lesbian. After I mentioned my heterosexuality during a conversation in Spirit Exotica once, Tiger immediately began to lay on the charm thicker and heavier than volleys of Scourge from my Tengu.
And I fell for it ....
We dated, intermittantly, for a couple months. Tiger was already in a relationship, an open one that he would often tell me was lack-luster and devoid of intimacy. Combined with the fact his partner was, like him, a pilot of much responsibility also meant they got very little time together. Odly though Tiger always seemed to find the time to come visit me, and when he couldn't he'd be in convo on holo-comms, once again laying on the superficial charms thicker than a Gallente Militia pilot's skull. He got intense, unrelenting. I found it all a bit much but I persevered. Then suddenly one night he contacts me and says that he's getting married to his partner and can no longer see me. After months of intense comms, constantly harassing me to spend time with him he drops me faster than a HIC drops a bubble when it needs reps. I was stunned, devastated... Later, as I relayed the tale to a friend, I discovered I hadn't been the only one he'd been leading on ...
Erica Dusette > /emote chuckles and scoops up her coffee in one hand, taking a little sip
(REDACTED) > As for Tiger, you're not the only one that he's been stringing along.
(REDACTED) > /emote picks up a cup of coffee.
Erica Dusette > /emote pauses > Wait ... I'm not?
Erica Dusette > That fucking .....
Erica Dusette > /emote growls to herself
(REDACTED) > He recently got married, you know.
Erica Dusette > Oh that, yes yes I certainly know about that.
(REDACTED) > And in doing so, left a pregnant girl to fend for herself.
(REDACTED)> She was in the sixth week when he got married.
(REDACTED) > And she felt horrible. In fact, if it wasn't for the child she was bearing, she'd have probably killed herself.
Erica Dusette > /emote blinks, the color draining from her face


Listen space-ladies ... birth control is a thing, you know? In anycase despite feeling betrayed I was left with some solace that if he complained about his sex-life prior to marriage then things certainly wouldn't be improving after it. In which case when he starts to get that itch again, and he will, he can consider "New Eden's most beautiful woman" off his booty-call list. Permanently ...



Much like Candi's highsec welpings though, even my heartbreak came with a silver lining. Within a week I was contacted by a lovely pilot I'd met more than a year earlier at the Jita riots. Badel Jramodarr, a tall, heavy-set Brutor with an intimidating appearence yet gentle and warm nature. Brave too, as I found after we got talking he invited me out on a little 'date' of sorts. A former slave who'd escaped his captors, Badel wanted to show me a special place called The Labyrinth, where he once used it's gates to escape and confuse his former Amarrian tormentors. I was blown away, to say the least ...  a place of spectacular beauty, such a sweet and genuine gesture, unlike what I'd become accustomed to. To me it was a sign of positive things to come and one could be forgiven for thinking I was rapidly falling for my new friend ...


Badel's Cheetah orbits Erica's Tengu in 'The Labyrinth' (Pic by Badel)


Meanwhile, back on the job, the bloodbaths continued. No space-bloodbath is truly complete though unless it involves capital ships, and thanks to some nullseccers we one day found ourselves exiting into, we would soon find such a bath waiting for us to swim in. Babylon 5 and it's training wing Babylon 4 Academy seemed like a lively bunch. Late one evening I was alone in corp with only Jack and Amthala for company. Jack had spotted some of the Babylon pilots poking their noses into our hole and so Amthala was dispatched to investigate. She discovered two tech 1 class frigates on the outside of our hole. I joined Amthala in null and we proceed to murder both pilots. We remained in system, hoping for another small fight perhaps, when Suddenly 'Blob' ...



10 v 2 wasn't the best odds, so we both bailed. Unfortunately Amthala was tackled on the inside of our hole and killed. I'd managed to escape though, so in a way it was still Op Success. Soon afterward we both headed to bed, licking our wounds and vowing to exact revenge on these Bobless motherfuckers the next day. And we would have it ...


Waking the next morning, I boarded my capsule and joined corporate comms. The Babylon pilots had been seen lurking around our hole ever still, and so several of us ventured out into null to show these guys that it's generally not a good idea to piss us of. When it comes to revenge killings and space-trolling no ship quite fills the role like Dishonor Falcon. Payback time - I shipped up and our gang jumped out into null, determined to murder the first thing we saw...


Which as it happened was this guy ...



kivi sheppard > falcon lol
kivi sheppard > very  noobs
Erica Dusette > :(
Erica Dusette > Everytime
kivi sheppard > realy
kivi sheppard > a want solo
kivi sheppard > you use falcon
kivi sheppard > axax
Erica Dusette > Where are the strippers?
kivi sheppard > ?
Erica Dusette > You heard me.
Strangely my Falcon had seemed to make him mad. But to his credit he decided to channel his anger and despite our little gang growing even further in size he reshipped into something else and come back again. The results were somewhat predictable...
kivi sheppard > nice blobs)
kivi sheppard > lossers
Longinius Spear > gf
Zajar'Gul > gf
Erica Dusette > gf
Foedus Latro > bring carrier
evilblackjack ibanez > gf
Andrew Charante > gf
Erica Dusette > Reminds me a lil of last night.
Erica Dusette > What was it?
Erica Dusette > 12 v 3?
Alundil > Never before has a fleet of 6-7 been referred to as a blob - get gud perhaps


I guess by this stage he was getting really mad because it seemed he began calling up all his friends who, in true nullsec fashion, began to arrive one-by-one like chunks of meat hurling themselves into a finely sharpened grinder...




The rain of Dishonor continued as they kept throwing stuff at us, including a Tengu and numerous frigates, most of whom sadly managed to escape. Murdering the domis was fun though and we were beginning to feel much better about Amthala's death the night before. We were almost ready to pack up, repair modules and head home when ..... Suddenly Thanatos.


I hadn't expected them to take Foedus's request to "bring a carrier" seriously, but it seems these Babylon pilots are super-serious people. Someone undocked a Thanny and warped it right to us on the gate. The results would be almost as predictable as Jack's sudden arrival on grid. By this stage though my poor Falcon was being primaried by all the things, warping around in armor and taking serious damage from the Thanatos. I quickly jumped on comms and summoned my sister Dani with her Tengu 'Adulterous'  while jumping back into Atlas myself to reship to my own Tengu the 'Lusty Wench' as we proceeded to scamble all the things.


Jack Miton > thanny in NS
Jack Miton > get on it



The Thanatos soon realised the error in his ways and jumped the gate, too slow though for my sister Dani who followed with another pilot and resumed tackle. I arrived soon after in my own Tengu, followed by Issere Woloch in her Naglfar who proceeded to head-shot the Thanny, it dying in a glorious ball of flame that not even the partially-fit Drake who came to save it could prevent. Our mighty blob of ten had murdered all the things, returning home satisfied that we'd revenged Amthala's Gnosis loss from the night before. With the Thanny down, and a date with Badel later that evening, my family's return to New Eden was already looking bright indeed.


Foedus Latro > your tengus are boss
Foedus Latro > idk how they haven't died yet haha
Dani Dusette > I <3 them
Dani Dusette > Jack hates them
Dani Dusette > But he hates almost everything
Foedus Latro > i'm surprised he came out to null with us

Mewmewcorp and all characters and concepts © TwistedFairytale 2005-2010
EvE Online is Copyright © CCP Games 1997-2010